Monday, 5 October 2009

Meet The Flintstones!...

Today I bought this bag from Primark (well I say bought... read on).

I keep humming The Flintstones theme toon when I look at it, which makes me smile, which in turn means it's a good buy.

I did have an attack of the 'little person in my head' talking to me when I put it in my basket.

Little head person: "You really do NOT need any more bags Missy"
Me: "I know, but come on, it's only £8, and it's making me smile" (hopefully I didn't say that out loud in the shop, but I can't be sure)

I can picture using it with a gorgeous
cream and chocolate coloured trouser suit, I don't have one of those so will need to go shopping to 'accessorise' my new bag – with an outfit!

Anyway, turns out, the gods did want me to have this bag. Got back and realised the assistant didn't actually ring it through, so in effect I was a thief and it was free! (she didn't ring through a top my mum bought either, so mum is a thief too).

But alas, moral dilemma: should I take this back and own up? I'm thinking... Nope.


Pauline Wiles said...

Oh, I hate those kinds of dilemmas.

I have a strange way of dealing with them - if it's a small shop (and/or I reckon it will directly affect someone's wages), then I always own up and am happy to do so.

But for bigger companies with bottomless profits... err, no, not so much...

Curious to see what others say!

Mary said...

LOVE that print! I've had my eye on a pair of flats with a similar print for the longest time, I just love it so much!

Tricky dilemma-- I pretty much agree with Struggler. You could always just take the same amount you didn't have to pay for the bag and donate it to a good cause!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've had those dilemmas a couple times, went back to the shop and was told to not worry about it. Go figure. Cute bag!

Lisa said...

Cute bag! Clearly some higher power wanted you to have it since they gave it to you for free!

Leah said...

Keep the's so cool and it has character. I love it!

Marie said...

Spoils of shopping war, it's yours. To earn good karma just rave to all of your friends about the marvelous bargains to be had there. I am jealous btw.

Emma x said...

I say keep it, i'm pretty sure Primark makes enough profit from us. Plus its lovely x

Make Do Style said...

I bet the shop assistants were tired/chatting or underpaid and couldn't give a stuff - hence not your problem!

Anonymous said...

confessions of a shoppaholic...I hear voices in my head LOL! Me TOO! LOL!

Kari said...

Pretty! I actually have a similar bag in a similar print. I got it about a year ago, and then all of a sudden I started seeing people wear that print all over the place. I could definitely see you wearing it well, especially dressing up cream.

Lisa said...

That bag looks a lot more expensive than Primark its really nice xx

Sharon said...

If they can't do their job properly, its not your problem-well done, LOL!!