Friday, 2 October 2009

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge – Day 4 and 5

Day 4 consisted of: Flowery dress, black blazer, black boots, black belt and green scarf. I wasn't sure about the rock boots with girly dress, but I really liked the look (even if my legs look extremely short at this angle).

Day 5 consisted of: Flowery dress (hoiked up to look more like a tunic top), skinny jeans, red shoes, red belt, blue cardigan and silver necklace.
I haven't shown the red bag that I've been using this week (pictured above), or the red coat which is pictured below.

I found the challenge easier than I first thought I would. I quite liked the idea each morning that I only had 10 main items to choose from, it certainly saved time in the morning.

Some mornings though were not so easy, occasionally I was
itching to wear something else but knew I couldn't or I'd be reaching for more accessories.

My most worn item was my flowery dress. I knew it would be. I rarely wear black and for some reason chose several black items at the start of the week, probably for safety, another time I'd try the challenge but would ban black items!!

Thanks to Jane for the challenge, I really enjoyed the week and it has changed my view on how many clothes I actually need in my wardrobe.


Cashier No.5 said...

I'd be seen out with ya ;-)

love home|life|style said...

ha ha! thanks Cashier!

Anonymous said...

liked day 4 best but you looked great every day,really enjoyed your challenge

Pauline Wiles said...

You did a great job squeezing different looks out of your items; I liked the dress worn as tunic!

Sharon said...

Hi there-very well done, these outfits are just really stylish and it shows how easy and chic you make it!!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Thanks for taking part. That dress, as I said before, caught my eye and now i can see why. Ilove with with the black blazer.

Lisa said...

Great outfits I love love love that dress xx

I have a little something on my blog for you!! xx

daisychain said...

I love that floral dress

Keith said...

Hello there. Great post as usual. I really do enjoying seeing what you will post next. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. Take care. Have a fantastic week ahead. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Great job with the challenge. And I love the rocker boots with the floral dress!

xo, Becs

Kari said...

That's neat that the challenge actually made things easier for you! I am extremely impressed at the mileage you got from that floral dress. It looks incredible next to the green scarf. I was kind of chicken and stuck with solid colors only for the challenge.

Timeless Fashion... said...

I love the red shoes plus those skinny jeans look great on you. As for the challenge - well done. I think you've proved the quantity doesn't matter. I've been trying this for over a year now and feel much happier with fewer but better quality outfits. Way to go!

Sheila said...

I adore rocker boots with girly looks. I can't wait for cooler weather so I can wear mine!

Great job on the challenge!

Yuri said...

Ooh I went for Janes' capsule wardrobe challenge too last week but I still hasn't finished editing the photos so I haven't upload the pictures yet ^o^
You did a great job on the challenge, by the way ^__^

Tabitha said...

Ooh, i have and love that dress! I have it in black too! no one would think it was from tesco! xx