Wednesday, 28 October 2009

London Zoo made us ill...

Contrary to popular belief, this skirt wasn't from the kids range but funnily enough is much smaller than the kids one I bought yesterday. This one though was just £3 from Matalan, Bury St Edmunds.

The picture probably doesn't show it well, but it has a purple and black houndstooth pattern.

My 'la pharmacie' box has been getting some good usage. Both kids have been poorly all week. Worryingly they took ill monday, the day after our family trip to London Zoo.

I can't understand why. I became completely OCD'ish about the hand sanitizer they had everywhere at the zoo. Making them form an orderly queue at each sanitizer stop (and there were quite a few!). My son even started drinking the stuff. At one stop he wanted to do his own, so stood beneath, looking up, mouth wide open to concentrate... and... SPLOSH, straight into his mouth. Eugh!

ps. Only a couple of days left to enter my second sweetie giveaway, don't miss out!!...


Leah said...

That is a cute skirt. I like it and you look good in it.

Sharon said...

Hi there-wishing your family a speedy recovery my dear, hope they can enjoy the rest of half term!

Timeless Fashion... said...

Oh, hope the kids get well soon.

daisychain said...

I hope the kidlets get well soon.

I love your outfit, what a bargain skirt!

Tights Lover said...

You look great. I'm ocd-ish with the hand sanitizer

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

that skirt fits you like it was made for you and those shoes are like WHOA awesome

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I love that outfit. The skirt is so cute and I love that white shirt! Yikes. I hope your son is okay after drinking that stuff! Lol.

elena-lu said...

oh dear that doesnt sound pleasant! hope everyone is better soon

C. said...

Great outfit. I really like your top and your shoes are amazing!

Kari said...

That's unfortunate! I hope that you are all feeling better this week. I love zoos, but what a shame to come back sick.

I'm really digging your ruffled white blouse with the boyfriend cardigan.

o said...

that's a cute skirt! i'm a ocdish too with handsanitizer:) hope u guys will get better soon!

Pauline Wiles said...

I remember your cute Pharmacy box! But I'm sorry to hear it's been needed.

I'm one of those people who doesn't think very highly of hand sanitizer. I cheerfully believe that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. But then I don't have kids, I can afford to live dangerously! Moreover, does it work against viruses, or just bacteria???

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! I luv your outfit as always YOU look BEAUTIFUL!
I hope your kids are feeling much better! I'm sooo happy to be back in the blogosphere because I have missed your wonderful posts due to working two jobs since my permanent job cut my hours in half!

Ash Fox said...

love this outfit. the shoes rule.

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