Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Budget stylie hot picks from New Look...

Uh oh... I've been looking at the New Look website.... Darn it, I want so much, I've picked out just a few of my fave bargains – warning to BF: some of which may become mine.

Sequin ankle boots £25. Rock and Roll Jumper Dress £20. 69 Print Top £12. Chunky Beret £6. Funnell Neck Dolly Coat £30. Skinny Jeans £20. Sequin Jacket £35. Gem Frill Bag £12. Metallic Frill Belt £6. Ribbed Leather Gloves £12. All available from New Look.

My daughter is demonstrating at her high school open evening tonight. She is making scones for Home Ec! (which is amusing if only you knew how bad a cook I was). It's funny, she got picked to demonstrate due to her scones scoring a '9 1/2 out of 10' during lesson time. (woop woop Daisy!) But... what God giveth, he also taketh away, she also received a dentention for the very same lesson (for forgetting one ingredient). I can't figure it out! If I was Daisy, I would have bargained... "Sure, I'll demonstrate baking, but swipe the detention... pleeeeease Miss?"

On the other hand, I've been teaching my 2 year old son to finish singing his nursery rhymes with a dramatic finish... 'Up an octive' and 'Jazz Hands'. It's working, he's now doing it all the time, my work here is done. Only prob is, I did suddenly remember that he goes to toddler group several mornings a week with his childminding group. Just imagine the 'big finish and jazz hands to Old Macdonald Had A Farm' - he will never live it down. I'm picturing him now growing up, he will be a clone of Justin off of Ugly Betty... mwah ha ha.

ps. Don't forget to enter my second sweetie giveaway, you gotta be innit to winnit...


Annie said...

those pieces are lovely!
i love the jacket up the top and the tee on the left the most :)

love annie <3

WickedThrifty said...

such wonderful picks. i love how this is all very cohesive, too. great prices at new look! wow! must try not to shop as i have promised myself thrift only! so difficult.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pieces, especially like the rock and roll dress - and it would look great on you.
The "jazz hands" and "up an octive" sound FANTASTIC! I'm v impressed... Just thinking about it has made my day!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful picks!! I want that pink coat!! OOOH and those sequin shoes- gorgeous!


daisychain said...

You know how much I love new look! Therefore I love this post. A lot.

Sharon said...

Hi there-such lovely picks, I'd happily wear the beret, tee and rock n' roll jumper, good luck on getting your pieces! Sounds like you've all been having fun too!

M said...

Your daughter knows how to make scones - how adorable! I just read another blog discussing these new, slutty Halloween costumes for little kids, so it makes me happy to hear all of them are not out there showing off in fishnets and platform heels!

Also, that coat is fab!

elena-lu said...

love the color combo you picked for this
and oh dear jazz hands?!
ok so i do it too but hey im 35 i know the consequences of jazz hands!

Leah said...

Love that shoes... go get it.

I can imagine your 2-yr old singing his nursery rhymes with a dramatic finish... he will definitely be the talk of the town. And teach Daisy how to bargain.

Have a great Wednesday!

Pauline Wiles said...

Your family sounds so much fun!! Can you put your son's big finish on YouTube maybe??
The pink coat is gorgeous.

KP said...

I just found your blog-that story about your 2 year old really cracked me up! xx

Tights Lover said...

I love the boots! ...and I looove scones!!

Julia said...

Love the sequin blazer! Thats so funny about your son...I hope he makes a good impression with the jazz hands!


E said...

I'm IN LOVE with those sequin silver shoes!

Kari said...

Aw, your kids sound awesome!

I could so picture you in that pink coat.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling with your skin, too. It seems to be a common problem with many people I know right now. :(

Timeless Fashion... said...

Great picks! I agree that New Look is one of the best shops out there on the high street. Have a great day!

Milly. said...

That sounds absolutely insane about the marks vs. detention - ?!?!

I thought you might be interested in coming to this event i've set up btw - it's part of a major project I'm part of called the Cambridge Design Collective that brings together anyone local who's interested in the fashion industry: blogging, designing, writing, photography, styling etc...

Maybe see you there!

M x

Haute World said...

I've been ignoring New Look for far too long it seems.... these are fantastic pieces! I just always found the stores themselves so daunting. I never know where to begin.

Oh, and for further jazz hands inspiration, you should also show your son some snippets of Jack McFarland from Will & Grace ;-) I must say, your daughters detention doesn't really seem justified...

Platform Princess said...

Cute jumper dress.

PP x

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, those shoes. SO fun! And I'm diggin' the blazer too. I may be a wee bit sequin obsessed.