Wednesday, 1 July 2009

kitschy, kitschy, kitschy…

Today I treated myself to 2 things! A turquoise summer dress and a cute strawberry necklace.

I tend to wear a lot of dresses during the summer so was pleased to find this one at New Look, in the Arc Shopping Centre, Bury St Edmunds. Not only was it in one of my favourite colours, but it was also in the sale! A bargain at £7 (was £20). 

I'm still in flip flops which is quite unlike me, but after running 5k on Sunday in the Race for Life, my legs just aren't up to heels yet! I'm even finding dipping the clutch in the car quite excruciating!

The other purchase was a strawberry necklace from a store on ebay. It is so kitsch* and cute, I love it! And the Swarovski Crystals embedded all over just add to it's kitschiness if you ask me! The best thing about this necklace is the price: 99p! plus p&p. TOTAL BARGAIN!

Total spent today: £7.99 (plus P&P on the necklace)

kitsch (loosely) denotes art that is aesthetically pretentious to the degree of being in poor taste and industrially-produced art-items that are considered trite and crass.


Anonymous said...

the dress is in my favourite summer colour and the necklace is sweet

well done on sunday in race for life run ,not only did you do a good time but you raised money for cancer research,cant be bad!

Sharon said...

Hi there-well done for completing the race for life, I'm due to do it in a couple of weeks time!! Great purchases, love the colour of your dress!

Angela said...

what lovely turquoise color, it's one of my fav in the summer.

Anonymous said...

You are allowed to wear flip flops in the summer ;) What a pretty dress and another great find!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

LOVE that dress. Beautiful color!