Thursday, 2 July 2009

Crochet is not just for the elderly...

Today I bought some shiny shorts.

I don't wear shorts well. But, I was determined to do so. Skirts are great but you can't safely run around, do cartwheels or jump up and down like a maniac without showing your knickers.

So my goal was to find a pair of shorts* that I could do all of the above in, whilst retaining my modesty!

I found these in super duper, I love it, River Island, Arc Shopping Centre, Bury St Edmunds.

Total spent today: £16.99

*shorts were worn as outerwear only by young boys until they reached a certain height or maturity. When boys got older, typically around puberty, they would receive their first pair of long trousers. This produced the perception that shorts were only for young boys. Because of this, men would not wear shorts to avoid looking immature. Women tended not to wear shorts in most cultures, due to social mores... oooh.


Anonymous said...

You have great gams! And if you can do a cartwheel, my hat is off to you! Hot looking outfit :)

Yuri said...

i love this look, especially the heels and the crocheted top that you wear ^^


Anonymous said...

like the crochet top ,may have to get one myself

Sharon said...

Hi there-a fabulous outfit, shorts are a must have for our sweltering weather!!

Unknown said...

Gem you look fabulous! (what's the secret?)

buryblue said...

You are so good at crochet must have taken you ages to make! Seriously you do look good

Marie said...

I love that vest- bought one myself recently to put in my shop, but only because it was meant for someone several feet taller than me. Otherwise I would have kept it! This look is cute!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, that looks amazing on you!! The whole look is so fab!

Kari said...

Wow, you definitely have shorts-worthy legs.

I love the layers of your tops. The crocheted top is gorgeous!