Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Just Hangin'...

Today I bought a new hat from New Look. A straw trilby.

It will soon be full on festival time here in the UK. And my MUST HAVE for any festival… is a hat. I usually take a couple, because after just 1 day of camping, believe me, I need a hat to cover my bad hair.

This one came with a cute white and blue ribbon around it, but I have cunningly customised it which I guess I can do with any outfit, just by tieing it with a complimentary scarf. Sorted.

Hats are are not only brilliant for bad hair days, but they are also good for bad face days. I went for dinner in Sainsburys Cafe the other evening (I know, classy), then strutted around Sainsburys doing a small grocery shop complete with a 'tomato ketchup moustache*'.

Not one single person mentioned it (including my own two children), and I must have spoken to several people and smiled politely at several more. I'd like to think I'd have mentioned it, even if just discreetly.

Motto for the day: "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle..."

Would you tell a stranger if they had a tomato kepchup moustache?

Total spent today: £7

*Tomato Ketchup Moustaches are not a fashion accessory. Please do not get them confused with comedy fake moustaches which are occasionally very funny indeed.


Nicola said...

Love it all! Especially the hat! xx

Pauline Wiles said...

No, I wouldn't tell a stranger about ketchup. It's embarrassing but they'll get over it.
I do, however, tell people (women) sharpish, when they have their skirt tucked into their knickers. Nobody should wander around Sainsbugs like that and I like to think I've saved them far more trauma than it costs me to tell them.

Ingrid Alise said...

Thank you for paying attention to my question on thenewbalck-starr.blogspot.com ;) I'll just have to try fix it some other way, it's just that I suck at HTML-kodes, I've forgotten everything I knew about it :P But anyway....I really like your hat and your boots on this picture :)!
And no, I would not tell a stranger about the ketchup-thing (I would tell if it were someone I knew though..), I would probably just point at the person and then laugh at them with my friend afterwards x)

jess said...

I love your hat and tights.

Anonymous said...

like your motto gemma ,very true.Nice hat and belt and no i wouldnt tell a stranger about their tomato ketchup moustache.

Anonymous said...

I had two mascara smudges on my upper eye lids. I mean big ones. And my husband never told me this past weekend. When I finally noticed I asked him why he didn't tell me. I mean I would have told him if his fly was open... yeesh!

Love all your accessories today. Especially your hat and belt!

Angela said...

LOL... I don't know if I would. I like the color combo.

Marie said...

I think it depends upon the circumstance- like an angry stranger or a sweet stranger? I used to be overly helpful but I've learned my lesson!
Love the tights and boots here.
And you do not have anything on your lip. Maybe that day people thought you had just been kissed a lot!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Adorable look. I think I would tell them. I would hope someone would tell me as things like that happen to me all too frequently. Ah ha

Anonymous said...

You look awesome in this look. From the hat, belt all the way to the boots! I love how you played with different hues and prints. Fabulous!


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Looking fabulous with those boots!
I'd certainly tell even to any strangers... I had spinach stuck on my tooth & nobody told me until I saw myself in the car mirror ;(

Haute World said...

Great outfit! I love the fact that you combined black with brown. The trilby is definitely a necessary investment. My hair is a complete mess after a day of sweating in the heat (not just festivals now that I think of it).

Anonymous said...

love the black and brown combo and straw hat! and love that motto!

Keith said...

You look fantastic. Great photo. I hope you're having a great week so far. Cheers!

P.S. Not sure if I would mention to someone if they had a tomato ketchup moustache or not. Who knows.

eednic said...

love your outfit. quite jealous of that belt i must say!

Sharon said...

Hi there-not sure if I'd let on to someone if they had that, LOL!! A great outfit and you look lovely in a hat too!

www.janetteria.com said...

not sure...but that sure Ur outfit is really perfect! :-)


Carlito86 said...

I don't think I could bring myself to say to a stranger 'Hey! You have tomato ketchup moustache! OK!' lol.

Cute outfit :)


Duchess of Tea said...

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Duchess xx
P.S. Dustjacket attic is a blog I think you will like you can access her blog through mine and I like your hat. Gorgeous the entire outfit.

Anonymous said...

You look fab! That hat is great, but those boots.. LOVE. Dig that shade of brown. And yes, although they were strangers, if we were having a full-on conversation, I'd def. tell them they have a 'ketchup moustache.' :) I'd hope someone would tell me! I def. agree with your motto.

xo, Becs


Hm, I think I'd attempt to tell the stranger!

Do enter my Current/Elliott jeans giveaway here (http://lacouturiernyc.wordpress.com/2009/07/25/a-one-year-celebration-giveaway/. Simply write your own "petite novella" (or short fashion fiction) about the outfit you/a character would wear incorporating those jeans & leave it in the comments! Have fun, be creative - you have a week!

La C.