Monday, 14 September 2009

Vintage Louis Vuitton...

Today, I wore some of my longest serving wardrobe items.

A green wrap dress which was £10 from Topshop a few years ago. This trusty dress has seen me through thick and thin (and yes I'm talking waistline), even pregnancy; Snakeskin shoes,
really cheap, but still look like new, (mainly because they absolutely kill my feet so rarely get an outing); And the Piéce de Résistance, my really, really old Louis Vuitton belt.

I was so excited when I bought this belt 10 or more years ago which would probably count as vintage now. It came in a little brown box with Louis Vuitton embossed on the lid... seriously, the box was exciting enough, it was, and still is one of my little treasures.

The only thing I've bought today is the chunky necklace. £3 from Matalan. It's a chameleon necklace, it's actually shades of brown, but today mysteriously changed to green to match the dress, 'nice one necklace, hi five for you'.

I hope you've all had a fabulous weekend. My highlight was going to watch Julie and Julia. Have you seen it yet? If not, please, please go see it.

Meryl Streep is amazing as the wonderful Julia Child and Amy Adams is the blogging obbessed Julie Powell. It really is a must see for all us bloggers who will associate only too well with Julie's blogging lifestyle, her over excitement at her first ever comment, which turns out to be from her mum, (we've all been there!) through to her struggle with keeping up with the blog.

Total spent today: £3.

* Pièce de résistance
is a French term (circa 1839), translated into English literally as "piece of resistance", referring to the best part or feature of something (as in a meal), a showpiece, or highlight.


grumpyoldwoman said...

I get the feeling that you are one of those women who would look good in a sack - and therefore I hate you... only kidding. As usual you look terrific.

Not seen the film yet - will add it to my to-do list.

love home|life|style said...

ah, thank you grumps.

You would love the film, I went on Saturday (it only came out on Friday) and there was approx 27 people in the Bury cinema.

I don't think it will be a big selling film over here which is such a shame, and I hope I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

the film is great,quite a few laugh out loud moments and good entertainment

your necklace seems like a handy piece to have!

E said...

Oh wow, that is so pretty! I love the print!

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! YOU are solely GORGEOUS! YOU look FABULOUS from head to toe and that's a FASHION FACT!
p.s. I haven't seen the movie yet but since YOU said it's a must see, I'll do just that this coming weekend!!!:) - THE BELT IS AMAZING!

Kari said...

That is a truly fabulous dress. I actually thought it was a Boden dress based on the print - I guess my eyes aren't sophisticated enough to recognize Louis Vuitton.

I love the stone necklace with the dress! Beautiful.

Style At Every Age said...

You look great! Keep that belt forever!

Sharon said...

Hi there-looking lovely, the dress and belt are perfect for each other!!

J. said...

wow, such a nice story about the belt. I love the dress too! said...

WOW! u look so stunning! i want Ur bag! pretty!

XoXo said...

no bag - BELT! haha!!

My Passport to Style said...

Hi there, this is my first visit to you, love the colour of the dress on you!So glad I found you. One of favourite past times is checking out how women dress,I do it for living,Im a Style Consultant! I f you get chance you might enjoy a visit to my Syle blog, Sharon xxoo

Pauline Wiles said...

I love that you're wearing Matalan with Mr Vuitton! Wonderful!

I haven't seen the film but definitely plan to. My first comment wasn't from my Mum but it was still outrageously exciting :)

JIM Designs said...

Gorgeous dress, love it!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a lovely dress!

Duchess of Tea said...

Hello darling, please forgive me for not visiting your lovely blog this week… life was very hectic at Rose Tea Cottage!!! Hopefully things will calm down this coming week.

Have a sweet and lovely weekend.

Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥ ♥ ♥

Lisa said...

I love that belt its lovely, you look great. xx