Monday, 21 September 2009

Thrifty footwear...

Today, I bought a pair of shoes... from a charity shop!

I have to admit, I normally avoid thrifted shoes like the plague, I can't get my head around the thought of other peoples feet having been in them for the fear that, well… I may actually catch the plague.

But these looked brand new, they still had stickers on the sole, so I gave them a chance.

I also swiped them from the rather nice window display, they were centre piece. I really hope the girl doesn't get into trouble for ruining the display.

I'm not sure what my shoes are doing watching Eastenders mind you?

Total spent today: £5.

ps. no plaguelike symptoms so far. Woop woop!


Pauline Wiles said...

Ooh, mind you don't catch foot and mouth disease!!

This reminds me of when I worked in Oxfam in Cambridge, and the shop manageress was rather fierce. Nothing made her fly into a bigger hissy fit than if we took something out of the window!

Pauline Wiles said...

PS - really like the shoes!

Anonymous said...

I have bought "used" shoes too! No problems here. Spray them with some foot spray to kill any germs LOL!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a fabulous score!

Kari said...

Oooh, gorgeous! I have been drooling over a pair similar to this but felt like I couldn't justify them. I'll have to live vicariously through you and your feet. :)

Leah said...

Lovely find. Love your new shoes.

Wildernesschic said...

Love those shoes. Dont worry about previous owner. They are worth it :)

Sharon said...

Hi there-fab shoes a really good bargain, I do what Sher does, a good dose of antibacterial spray does the trick!!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Lovely shoes - I hope they fit.

Marie said...

those are fabulous! I know how you feel, I don't just grab any old shoe when thrifting, but loads of them have been donated new or like new because of wrong size! So I always take a look.

budget chic said...

Love these! You guys have the best shoes in the U.K. If the conversion rate and shipping was not so high, I would be trying to order all my shoes overseas. Super cute!

Lorena M said...

Wow what a find !
I love your shoes.... the colors and the design on it are lovely :)

Anonymous said...

Really nice shoes!

daisychain said...

what a find! I never find anything in my local charity shops

love home|life|style said...

thanks for the comments, I am getting out the antibacterial spray gun as we speak! x