Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Julien Macdonald is a STAR...

Today I am wearing my new BARGAIN Julien Macdonald skirt from Debenhams
The Arc Shopping Centre, Bury St Edmunds.

My fabulous mum actually found this and bought it for me for one of my birthday pressies a week or two ago. It was reduced by 70%!, although still cost £28, but I just adore it.

I got caught out yesterday with the weather. I'd stupidly assumed our autumn had arrived as it was so cold and grey in the morning and dressed accordingly. Come the afternoon, the sun decided to put his hat on for one last random mini heatwave.

Not wanting to be caught out again, I went sans tights today, but did wrap up in a bright red cardigan. (Needless to say, it stayed cold all day – the law of sod*).

As I waltzed into the office (a tiny bit on the late side), my father in law said: "ooh, you look bright".

"Thank you" I said.

It was only later when I realised that this may not have been a compliment.

Total spent today: £0, present from mum.

*Sods law is derived from Murphy's law – an adage that broadly states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and usually does."


Marie said...

He meant lovely and bright!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous skirt!

E said...

Pretty skirt! I love the floral print!

Kari said...

Oh, take it as a compliment! I think the bright colors are gorgeous. Nice present from your mum.

Anonymous said...

the skirt is a perfect length for you and you look great in red

Lisa said...

Gorgeous skirt and shoes xx

Sharon said...

Hi there-that was a fab bargain and it looks lovely!!

Style At Every Age said...

Great Bargain

daisychain said...

what a bargain!

Pauline Wiles said...

Gorgeous skirt!!
Who knows what he meant; men are so funny in their compliments... He may have been thinking 'you look hot' but thought that was inappropriate to say to daughter-in-law!!

Gerri Ward said...

WOW! That skirt is FABULOUS but YOU are solely GORGEOUS! YOU LOOK just like a GLAMOROUS STAR!!!:) said...

Amazing skirt!


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love mums!
You look fab!
