Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Please wash your hands...

A strange thing just happened.

I noticed a brown mark on my hand, and for some reason, instinctively licked it. (That maybe the mum in me, yes I have started washing my son's face with my own saliva when needs must).

As soon as I licked my hand though, my mind flashed back over the last couple of minutes. I had made a coffee and... eugh, emptied my sons potty... eugh 50/50 chance.

I think you know where this is headed so nuff said, suffice to say, the lesson for today is... "Always smell BEFORE licking".

Today, I wore a stripey top I bought last week from Tesco, Bury St Edmunds. It was a complete bargain, with a starting price of £8 but with 20% off, so made it like... um... a bit less than £8... (whut? it's been a long day, my brain is offline).

Whilst you may be thinking, not bad love, but it is only a simple black and white long sleeved T... well let me tell you, there are tricks galore with this top:

1. It has removable shoulder pads! wowza! so it's perfect for a Dynasty Reunion Party... (if there is such a thing?)

2. PLUS! a large silver zip right down the back... I discovered that in cold weather, the zip does get very cold indeed. Several bouts of involuntary 'squealing like a girl' later and I had to give in and pop a vest top underneath. My colleagues already think I'm mental, random squealing wasn't helping my cause.


The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I love that top. You wear it so well.

Anonymous said...

Loving this outfit... the strip top and orange scarf are awesome together. You look so great!


Marie said...

(still laughing WITH you, not at you as I type.)
Lovely scarf! Such a nice mum.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Charmed giveaway!

Leah said...

LOL and I can't stop. yes,a lways smell before licking, and that happened to me too. Gosh, I know the experience. Uggh! Maybe that's why I love my kids to death. I even tasted their poo. Hahahahaha! I can't still stop laughing. Hey, I love your outfit.

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

i love all your shoes, but that story was foul lol

Sharon said...

Hi there-poor you, hope it was the coffee! Love the outfit and the top was a fabulous buy!

daisychain said...

Oh man, I hope that was coffee...you do make me laugh!

Fab outfit x

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Oh DUDE, noooooo. You poor thing. The joys of motherhood...