Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Party dresses...

One of my absolute most successful traits, is being able to make a complete fool out of myself on a daily basis.

At a posh party the other night, I was hovering around outside... alone... in full ballgown attire, when two girls walked towards the building. I couldn't quite see their faces as it was dark, but one of them loudly said "HELLO...?"

Oh, I must know them I thought to myself, (well, they are arriving at the same party).
"HIYA" I shouted back in my cheeriest manner...

I didn't know them. As they drew nearer the girl continued her conversion... ON HER MOBILE PHONE TO SOMEONE ELSE... Man!!!! I DIE... they had to walk right past me, they looked embarrassed... for me.

I popped to Tesco after work today for some wrapping paper. Didn't find any I liked, but this zebra dress did sneak it's way into my basket... naughty dress.

All party dresses were half price, making this dress just £9!! I don't know if I'm abnormal (well, don't answer that actually, I clearly am) but, I wouldn't even say this is an out and out party dress, I would be quite happy wearing this in the daytime with a hot pink cardi and matching shoes...

I've just looked on the Tesco website and they have tons of stuff half price, it is well worth a look, dresses, coats, boyfriend cardigans... AND that little leather bomber jacket that's been "on my radar" for some time now is half price at £14!!! SOLD!


Lisa said...

It's so cute! I'm sure you'll get lots of wear out of it! I also make the mistake of thinking people on phones are speaking to me. Those bluetooth headset things are the worst, especially at the grocery store.

Pauline Wiles said...

That hello/on the phone thing happens far more than you realise - don't worry about it!
Love your dress find - I agree, it has life beyond the party, definitely.

Sharon said...

Hi there-well done on scoring that dress, its really nice!!

daisychain said...

I'd wear that in daytime too!

*makes note to go to the big tesco tomorrow*

Recessionista(UK) said...

A real bargain!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi i found you over on Notes of Noelles blog, she is a friend I met in Paris this year...Do you live in Bury St Edmunds..?? I used to live there years ago, not been back for sometime, I know it has changed a lot, we never used to have all the shops it has now.

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! What a Fabulous dress it's solely Gorgeous!:))

Carlito86 said...

Oh my god, so funny! I love stuff like this. Gorge dress!

What site do you use to do your pictures like that? I would so appreciate if you could comment and let me know! :D

Carla xxxx