Tuesday, 2 February 2010

And in the depths of the sales...

You know when the sales seem to drag on and on? And you wonder why shops leave a couple of rails with a selection of old tat in a range of extreme sizes that surely no one will ever buy, even if it is reduced by 90% – in some cases looking like they would pay you to take it off their hands.

Yet, for some reason, I still feel the need to trawl these rails. No, I'm not after that elusive neon yellow ra-ra skirt, it's because, just now and again you do come across a bargainistic find, purely by chance.

The blazer above is one such find
in Matalan. An amazing £3!! reduced from £30!. Hi fives all round I do believe.


Victoria said...

Great find! xx

Marie said...

You go girl! What a buy!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH necklace giveaway

Diane @ Haute Flashion said...

What a great find! Very chic.

And if you ever get tired of the Union Jack belt, I will buy it from you in a heartbeat. Seriously. I mean that!

Sharon said...

Hi there-a good find, well done!!

North West London Girl said...

OK, I will no longer turn my nose up at the sale rail lurking sadly at the back of any shop, I will have a little rummage. xx

PS. Still smiling after having my little post picked.

North West London Girl said...

PS. I've posted a big thank you to you, please take a look when you have a moment xx

Kari said...

That is an awesome buy - it looks like a perfect fit! I LOVE how it smartens up the zebra-stripe dress.

daisychain said...

what a steal! it looks fab